Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817-98)

 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan


Sir Syed Ahmed Taqvi bin Syed Muhammad Muttaqi KCSI, commonly known as Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, was an Islamic pragmatist, Islamic reformer, and philosopher of nineteenth century British India. 

Indian Muslims were facing great hardships because the Indians blamed them for the war of Independence., but without any real evidence. As a result, Muslims were unable to occupy any senior posts in the government or the civil service e.g. police, army, and the legal system.

The future of the Muslims seemed bleak. At this point, A  Muslim educator and reformer, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, came forward. He was born in Delhi in 1817. He was a judge in the Indian Court and his family members had close relations with the Mughals. He worked hard to remove the misunderstandings between the British and the Muslims. He wrote a pamphlet called "The Causes of the Indian Revolt." It helped  the British to understand the people they governed and their own errors and weaknesses. After this, their stance softened towards the Muslims. In this recognition for his services, Syed Ahmed Khan was given the title of "Sir" by the British, and he came to known as Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

Sir Syed realized that one reason for the backwardness of the Muslims were their lack of education. To rectify this, he first set up a modern school in Aligarh. He later founded the Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental College in the 1875 which developed into famous Aligarh Muslim University in 1920. He advised the Muslims to study English and Science, as well as Islamic Studies. He published the journal Tahzib al-Akhlaq (Social Reformer) to spread awareness and knowledge on modern subjects and promote reforms in the Muslim society. His educational institute proved to be the first brick in the foundation of Pakistan as some of its students became leaders of Pakistan Movement. This great scholar and leader died on 27th March, 1898 at Aligarh, India

By the copy rights of Ⓒ MESTAG World. 

Author: Ali Imran


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