Information On Coronavirus(Covid-19)


On December 2019, pneunomonia outbreak was reported in Wuhan, China. On 31st December 2019, the outbreak was traced to a novel strain of Coronavirus, which was given the interim name of 2019-nCov by WHO(World Health Organization), later renamed as SARS-CoV-2 by International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. As of 27th April 2020, there have been at least 208,131 deaths and more than 3,002,303 cases in the Coronavirus pneunomonia Pandemic. The Wuhan strain has been has been identified as a new strain of Betacoronavirus from group 2B with approximately 70% genetic similarity to the SARS-CoV. The virus has a 96% similarity to the bat-coronavirus, so it is widely suspected to originate from bats as fell. The pandemic has resulted in travel restrictions and nationwide lockdown in several countries. When I other several countries herd about it. They just took it easy and just easily ignored it. People were just busy in making jokes about the virus. But when it covered the whole countries they were surprised and scared. Sprite Many American scientists say that the virus has spread through bats, pigs and other animals that Chinese people eat. But Chinese and its other friendly scientists have said that the virus Covid-19 is a man-made virus and is made in a laboratory. But no one knows that what the truth is. They were many movies in the past showing the future of Coronavirus. I had too seen a movie Contagion which has shown us that what is happening now. But I don't believe this that how could the author could know that what would happen in the future. Maybe he would have written it regarding the other respiratory viruses discovered before. Because there wasn't any name for the virus in that movie. But China is safe now, the people are following the precautions and many are treated and got cured by the help of their own immune systems and some other medical treatments (but not cure). It came in Spain after China, and then covered the whole continent and then the whole world. By now USA is at the worst situation. People are locked at their homes because they are too much scared from the uncountable cases and deaths. The prices of petrol have fallen down. Dollar is becoming more expensive. USA's President Donald Trump is also much worry and confused because of how people are getting infected and are dying unstoppably. Scientists are too much confused and are under pressure that what they have to do. At one side, there are the infected people and at one side they are studying the virus and finding a cure for it. It came in Pakistan at the start of 2020. When everything changed, all the people were scared and the Prime Minister ordered to lockdown the whole country. The pandemic has covered the whole world. People are getting infected and dying unstoppably, the schools are closed, restaurants, hotels, malls are all closed. But here is a very hard situation in Pakistan because there is not any income for the labors and daily wagers. The people who own very less salary don't have enough money to eat and run their home. Pakistan's war is not with the virus only but with its poverty too. So many charity institutions have been opened while the Prime Minister is organizing a charity fund too to help and give money to the poor people. Many Drama channels have also organized a fund organization and are too helping by taking money from people who are able to give donation. The month of Ramadan has started and is going to be end very soon, Absolutely then Eid will be held, people have no money to bring new clothes and give Eid money to youngsters There is also shortage for filter masks and other medicals things, or have been hidden by greedy pharmacists, because they would sell it at on higher prices. People at home are too much bored and some have found ways to keep themselves busy and happy at their home. All the doctors are advising everyone to wash hands regularly, not to go outside so home is safer, wear filter masks, which they are advising to wear N-95 do social distancing (to keep a distances in each other). Eat certain fruits that would improve our immune system. Since now there isn̢۪t any cure or vaccine for it only our immune system is the weapon to us to help us fight against this deadly virus. Mainly this virus gets into the human body by mouth, nose and eyes. Then it goes to the respiratory system and starts destroying the lungs. If the person is back again this means that the while blood cells or the immune system have finished the virus present in the body and the person is back to normal again. But if the cells do not find it or are unable to kill and finish it the virus then spreads throughout the whole body and kills the infected person badly and painfully everyone including doctors are scared to do touch it because if they do this they would also be

 infected and the dead person would be placed into his grave by machines in urban and richer countries, or with wooden sticks in poor countries (including Pakistan too). So, just don't be scared of it. It's just a virus and will end soon. As per Muslims, the main thing we have to do is to gain and make our immune system and faith stronger. Because these are our main weapons excluding all precautions and remedies. Scientists are working every time to make a vaccine and cure for it but whoever makes the vaccine and cure, the whole world will respect and obey that country. But any country does that it wouldn't give the vaccine directly to all the countries or will report them that the structure the vaccine. They would ask for money so therefore it would still take some time to be delivered to us. So, wait for a little time and stay home, stay healthy, stay safe.


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